A New Era in Security

Our face recognition system offers superior performance under conditions like scaling, rotation, cluttered backgrounds, and varying light intensities. This system optimizes face detection, localization, and recognition processes using data obtained from CCTV footage, aiming to ensure your safety under all circumstances.

LDR FaceGuard
High Accuracy
Real-Time Processing
LDR FaceGuard

LDR FaceGuard About

Our project encompasses an innovative system that optimizes face detection, localization, and recognition processes from CCTV footage.

The proposed system extracts features using PCA and CNN algorithms and evaluates the data with different machine learning techniques.

Tested under various conditions such as light levels, rotation, and scaling, the system delivers high accuracy with minimal computation time during the simulation process.

This project aims to enhance public safety by providing an effective face recognition solution for security applications.

The developed system stands out as an innovative product offering high added value in national and international markets.


Image Preprocessing

The image preprocessing module is designed to overcome challenges like light levels and cluttered backgrounds. This module enhances the accuracy of face detection processes.

Face Detection and Localization

Provides a fast and effective solution for detecting and localizing faces from CCTV footage, initiating the face recognition process.

Machine Learning-Based Recognition

Using algorithms such as KNN, decision tree, random forest, and CNN, the system achieves over 90% accuracy with minimal computation time.

Simulation and Performance Evaluation

Offers advanced simulation features to evaluate system performance under various conditions like light levels, rotation, and scaling.

High Scalability

The image-based recognition system provides a scalable structure for national and international markets and can be easily integrated.

Comprehensive Analysis and Reporting

Includes real-time reporting tools to monitor system performance and recognition accuracy.


LDR FaceGuard
High Accuracy

Supported by machine learning algorithms, our system provides real-time face recognition with an accuracy rate of over 90%.

LDR FaceGuard
Real-Time Processing

Offers a fast and effective security solution by detecting and recognizing faces instantly from CCTV footage.

LDR FaceGuard
Performance in Challenging Conditions

Demonstrates superior performance even under challenging conditions like cluttered backgrounds, low light, and rotation.

LDR FaceGuard
Sustainable Security

Provides a sustainable security solution with low computation time and energy consumption.

LDR FaceGuard
Easy Integration

Easily integrates with existing CCTV infrastructures, offering quick installation and cost advantages.

LDR FaceGuard
Compliance with International Standards

Designed in compliance with international standards, the system is competitive in global markets.